1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Chilled_Chaos

    Hello everybody! Today, what I wanna do is suggest a mod. It is called the Sound Filters mod. It adds sound effects to Minecraft. First off, the Sound Filters Mod does nothing but add some cosmetic effects to Minecraft. Sounds are more muted when you are in any liquid such as water or lava. And depending on what material the wall is, if you are behind a wall, then sounds on the opposite side of the wall are a bit more muted, depending on what material and how many blocks. The second change is that it adds reverb when you are in caves. Easy as that. That's it. I have another mod that I would like to suggest in another Conversation. Have a great day!


  2. Like the other mod, I don't see any issues for this but would wait for more approval before using.

  3. Alright

  4. Edited 8 years ago by Chilled_Chaos

    This conversation hasn't been as active as the other mod. I can tell why, since there is a difference in both of their sizes.

  5. I really wish this mod would be part of vanilla Minecraft. Imagine the soundproof bases you could make! No more need to worry about other people hearing your chicken farms underground!

  6. Edited 8 years ago by Chilled_Chaos

    @_Haxington_ I really wish this mod would be part of vanilla Minecraft. Imagine the soundproof bases you could make! No more need to worry about other people hearing your chicken farms underground!

    I'm assuming you're gonna use both of the mods if they make the final cut huh?

  7. @Chilled_Chaos I'm assuming you're gonna use both of the mods if they make the final cut huh?

    There is no point using the mod if everyone else does not experience the soundproofing...
    If I do get it it would be just for the cave echoes.

  8. Well I don't care if no one else uses the mod, I enjoy using it myself

  9. Same

  10. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    I found a better and more updated mod like this one. It's called sound physics and it is made by the same person that makes sonic ether's shaders. Check it out it's really cool!

  11. Yeah I already knew about that before I even found this one. But the thing about that one is that the creator of the mod doesn't know when to godamn update it so we can play it...

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