rover321ful's Ban Appeal

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Revor


    Banned because My brother typed I was hacking in chat and I was banned for "Admiting to hacking"

    I should be unbanned because i wasnt hacking it was just my brother trying to get me in trouble

  2. Please appeal to your ban using the correct format provided. It can be found at the top of the ban appeals section.

  3. Hello rover321ful,

    I am the moderator who banned you. We do not take hacking lightly here and, therefore, any admission of hacking results in a ban. In addition, you are responsible for your own account, so, if your brother actually did type it, your excuse is not valid. You will be unbanned in 3 days. In the future, be careful with your account and don't joke about hacking.


  4. You have been pardoned. Welcome back to the server.

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