OtherGreenGamer's Staff Application

  1. 7 years ago


    Age: 15, going to 16 on April: 4th (Still aware of the age cap, But again, please consider from how I behave. Especially since I'm exactly 1 month away from 16)

    Time zone: NL

    Strengths: Persistent, Mature, I report players if there's no staff on, I try and contact staff if I think it would be faster than reporting, I occasionally clean spawn, I try to help staff with chat to make their busy lives easier, I answer questions if they haven't been answered yet by someone else, I am alert even when staff ain't on, I'm unbiased as can possibly be, I can jump into discord or TS much more often if needed, I have past experience as staff on a different server (Still shut down), and I keep my cool 100% of the time.

    Weaknesses: I can be thought of as obnoxious to some. I am annoyed be people who edge staff on. And I have a bit of trouble with sarcasm. I can get quite busy at times because of schooling.

    Why I'm applying: Because I want to help and try to improve stuff I like. And I feel like I can improve chat and etc. by moderating chat for cleaner communication and of course informing higher ups of stuff I can't handle.
    I've seen tons of times where staff isn't online, and there is a rule breaker. Of course I jump in and try to inform them to stop, but there are those who don't listen. Since I can't fully enforce the rules as VIP, I have to bother higher ups who could be busy otherwise. As a helper I could give a lot more helpful of a hand.

    Ticks: Somewhere over 100,000,000 ticks across all accounts and resets.

    Hope to get accepted,


    (Keep in mind only staff can reply)

  2. Please re-apply when you mean the age requirements, we will not be making exceptions.

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