Hey everyone!
I'm sure you all know this, but after you vote, it displays the message that you voted along with a little [VOTE] button for others to press so they can vote too:
This button only gives you a link to the first vote, on MCSL, but people probably want to vote at all 4 links, not just one. As a result of this, when the message I described above gives everyone a vote link when somebody votes, people say "vote?" in chat to see all of the server vote links. This sometimes makes the chat spammy.
So, I'm proposing an idea - /trigger CMD set 3
This new trigger can either be typed into the chat (less spammy than everyone asking "vote?") OR, better yet, the [VOTE] button from the first image can run this command. Also, it would be pretty convenient to have all of the vote links in this one button, instead of having to ask!
What would this command do?
It would display the vote links to the person who activated it (some noobs will probably spam it just to troll the chat if it shows to everyone). Hence, when someone clicks on the button [VOTE] from image 1, it will say to the person
If anybody has suggestions, thoughts, or ideas about this, please do share them! :D