Dzedajus ban appeal

  1. 6 years ago

    In Game Name: Dzedajus

    Reason for your ban: "asking ppl to install xray [...]"

    Why should you be unbanned: My intention was not by any means serious suggestion to install any mods banned according to the server rules. For better context I will include screenshot of chat log, which also implies that the person i was talking to didnt read server rules and assumed immunity from any consequences and therefore my suggestion to him was purely for comedic value.
    chat log

  2. Hello ,
    The point about the other player not reading the rules and assuming immunity, a much better way to enlighten someone about the rules would be simply to type "rules?" in chat, I get this suggestion that you made was for some sort of comedic value, however we get hackers every day using x-ray and other things that we spend our time trying to exterminate from the server, to try and keep it a legit place to play for everyone , so the main reason you were banned is that by you saying install x-ray or suggesting others do so ( while was meant in somewhat of a joking state ) could actually have people do just what you are suggesting if you read through the ban appeals we have on here you will see ( some ) people do not understand the rules against using hacks, that is basically the reason we don't take jokes with suggestions of hacking or furthermore, suggesting someone else use a hack .

    Also a side note I have been told by other staff members you have been warned multiple times for chat violations.... please try and stick to the rules when chatting in the future, if you are here writing an appeal again it will surely suffer more consequences.

    Since to my knowledge, this is your first ban, you will be pardoned after 24 hours of this post .

    Refresh on the rules .
    See you back on the server soon .

  3. You have been pardoned, make sure to follow the rules .

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