To everyone appealing a ban:
Please follow this format.
Title of the thread: (your In Game Name here)'s Ban Appeal
In Game Name: ryanman2000
Reason for your ban: inappropriate usage of chat
Why should you be unbanned: I truly feel that my language, that is, referring to right before i got banned, was misinterpreted (as trump would say) BIGGLY. For example, when i said i was promoting a better server chat i was not being sarcastic and was trying to change my ways in response to the warnings by staff members. I can tell how some of my past language is completely unwarranted, such as an exceptional use of the words "f**k","god***it", and "u fat f***ing c*nt". But I am making an effort to be a better person. Just to reiterate, "hearing" my words through chat can distort the meaning of it, although my intentions are good. NONE of this is sarcastic (just so u know :D).
OK I just saw the ban description and it said (disobeying/disrespecting)
Well, I, as mentioned before, meant no disrespect to the staff and tried to follow the rules once threatened.