Hindi's Ban Apple (Quartz King)

  1. 7 years ago


    28 Sep 2017 Suspended

    In Game Name:Hindi (Quartz_King)

    Reason for your ban:I was just chilling then crafty myner himself appeared before me, i thought it was a blessing from the gods but i was wrong, the curse of the jail fell upon me as everyone gathered around to jab me in the ribs. I think it was because i lagged in the air and got kicked for flying.

    Why should you be unbanned: I think we got off on the wrong foot, was tad bit laggy then game glitched, you know how minecraft is fam. also first time 2chill banned me i was honest so ya know im an honest person and tell of truth. mp is dying and i need something to stop me from killing myself. also plz dont ban me like yall have with every account. i know yall miss me but cant admit it :I ty for reply

  2. Short answer: denied.

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