Edited 6 years ago by NerdieBirdieYT


A few days ago, this thread got me wondering how few items one could defeat the enderdragon with. @OtherGreenGamer had some amazing accomplishments using little to no armor and slight use of weapons (although having tools such as ladders and pickaxes to help). I decided to go a step further, limiting myself to no items at all. No armor, weapon, tools, or even food.

The rules for this challenge are as follows.

  • Must be in Hard Mode.
  • Must not have ANYTHING in your inventory at the start.
  • May plant chorus fruits around the island. This allows you to eat and not starve.
  • Must NOT use chorus fruit for anything besides eating (no using the plants to help kill enderman, climbing up plants, etc).
  • May die, although the fewer deaths, the better.
  • Must record a video while doing the challenge (no splices) to ensure that rules are being followed.
  • Must use playing 1.12.2 vanilla.
  • Must use a random seed.

Anything you are able to pick up on the island (enderpearls, chorus fruit, iron bars broken by explosions, etc) is fair game. My record is 3 hours and 20 minutes, roughly, with 19 deaths.

Unedited video:

Edited video:

Best of luck!