Recently, something at the forefront of my discussions with my NN staff has been inactivity. I've been told there may be a rumor going around that NerdNation is dead, dying, or dormant, and while I assume that's not the general thought on the matter, I would like to clear up where we as a faction stand.

Since the beginning of our time here on CraftyMynes, we've been standing on unstable ground. I'll be the first to say a portion, a large portion, of that was my fault. I allowed spies to slip in under my nose and let traitors prosper. There were a lot of outside influences as well, largely because of my series on YouTube and the faction's initial reception from the community. For months we were plagued by insiders and betrayals, along with raids, preventing us from settling down permanently and always putting us on-edge.

Finally on October 10th, NerdNation purged most of its members, and shortly after this time, the insiders were eliminated. At this point, it would be fair to say that NN had to start from the ground up, reworking our systems, building up our bases, and slowly allowing people back into the faction. Up until recently we have been reshaping ourselves. With a decision that was made a few days ago, we have seen increased activity and building, along with more ideas for the future.

We have come out of the times of raid after raid. We are now leaving our "hibernation" and expanding once more. Finally we are able to work on projects we've wanted to do for ages, things like Harvestar's wonderful flamingo hunt, community events involving more than just NerdNation. We are making some final adjustments before coming back full-stride, re-writing our system for NerdNation Adventure Team (a project that until now has been stalled). Along with our allies in Stranger's Company and Illumislimey, with a few more hopefully allying with us in the near future, we hope to bring a lot of fun experiences to CraftyMynes very soon.

A rough yesterday leads to a stronger tomorrow. We are not dead, and our dormancy is about to come to a close. Thanks to everyone who has supported us along the way. <3