1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Mayorga

    So , when I was in the arena with "edward638". we were just avoiding people In the arena not to kill us , then since apoc placed random glass on the ground me , Edward638 and Mindchronik were standing on it , then when I look to the side , I see Marketinq outside the arena :P

    heres my proof -image-

  2. tsu

    2 Apr 2016 Suspended

    i agro pearled on mr ed and glitched thru the glass, don't see whats wrong here cookiestepdude

  3. Well isnt standing outside the arena not allowed or what ?...

  4. It is allowed.

  5. You just can't be on top of the arena I believe.

  6. I thought it was glass and top of the arena :P

  7. Who knows.

  8. looks like an advantage over other players to me

  9. same

  10. I dont see how its an advantage, considering you can't hit him, and he can't hit you.

  11. Edited 8 years ago by Mayorga

    Well I see this as ,
    when your in low health in pvp , the player can e pearl or glitch trough out of fights like that :P

  12. True ^, but from what I understand he was already out on the glass while you guys where in the arena.

  13. Edited 8 years ago by Mayorga

    Well , i'm not too sure, but when I was in the arena , I saw him there... :/

  14. in the arena, or out?

  15. I was inside the arena , I saw "Marketinq" outside the glass tho

  16. He didn't have an advantage... You weren't attacking him

  17. He's right guys.

  18. tsu

    8 Apr 2016 Suspended

    LOL was i trying to get an advantage over some noob with no armor?

  19. Edited 8 years ago by AP0C4L1P53

    He was inside the arena, idk how he'd got there, but he wasn't fighting anyone nor being attacked to be there. I was there the whole time & since he came back to the arena using tp to spawn and then back in the arena as any other player and no harm was done, I let it slip, because we were messing around a bit inside the arena.

    Besides that, I haven't seen any1 else glitching in the arena while fighting. So every1 chill.
    So Marketinq/tsu just be careful next time, to avoid this kind of missunderstanding.

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