So, my friend Rexshell and I have been playing this minigame that Grian invented...
where we each have a couple of minute-and-30-second rounds to improve or "improve" some small builds. Basically, she tries to make it look good, and I try to make it look terrible (without spamming, of course; I have to be tactful). She's the good builder, and I stink at making anything look decent, so this is the perfect game for us. :P
Usually we have an easy enough time judging the rounds; it's pretty obvious whether the build look somewhat presentable when we're done, or if I've just taken it beyond any hope of repair. :P However, tonight we played, and we honestly have no clue which one of us won any of the 3 builds. So, I leave it up to you. I'll post before and after pictures of our three builds--before we started improving/"improving" them, and after we finished our rounds. Can you tell us whether Rexshell salvaged the build and won the round, or whether I just ruined them too much and won the round? Best out of 3 wins. Thanks, guys!