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Vote Streaks and Graveyard Shifts

  1. 6 years ago

    First off, need to say I love this server and its community. I played a LONG time ago and frequently voted everyday because I wanted to and the rewards were consistent regardless if I missed a day or two as it was just xp and food then). Then I had to leave both the server and my responsibility I worked hard to prove myself worthy of taking on once I went to college.

    Now that I found a nice paying job that, unfortunately, has fluctuating shifts every week, have good (non-college) internet, I was happy to finally make my return to this community. First thing I did when I joined was vote and donate again if I recall correctly actually.

    Then I noticed it...
    The vote streak.

    I was super excited about this, because it rewarded consistent voting, ensuring more traffic for the server by providing bigger incentives for people who regularly voted CraftyMynes as their go-to server, and all was good during my vote streak which got to 19.

    Until that one week..that one week where my schedule was all over the place. I had two mid shifts which ended at 10pm, then two graveyards, then an early morning right after, followed by another Graveyard (I know that's six, but my work week usually carries over into the next business week, so they "sorta abuse" that since my availability is about as open as one can be in a job).

    I wasn't aware this would be an issue until I started noticing that Craftymynes has a timer of some sort on their end, and the vote servers have their own as well. This led to some...very interesting issues when dealing with after midnight voting, especially since every vote server had a different method for keeping votes a daily thing. One server literally tracked your name or IP to make sure it was 1 per 24 hour period. Others seemed to call it good at 12AM, whichever time zone that happens to be. Then there is Craftymynes streak timer which...I don't know how it works. I just got on at 1:36am to vote again as of this post, and apparently I was still on a streak from earlier the previous day, essentially making 7 votes (not eight because of the aforementioned 24hr vote site) in one days worth of a streak.

    So this leads me to a couple questions.
    1: How is that timer handled on CraftyMynes in regards to the streaks? Is it 24hrs since last registered vote by the user on the server? Is it set to reset after a specific time during the day/night?
    2: Is there an advantage to making a streak system over, say, a 25 votes in one month system with a limit on crates per month?

    Assuming the answer to question two is no, would it be possible to make this switch at some point? I mean, I'm hoping this occurrence is just a me thing, but knowing how many people play on this server across many different places in the world, I'm not naive enough to think this is just a one person problem.

    Any thoughts, comments or explanations for this would be appreciated. I...broke down that night after doing everything I could trying to keep that streak going lol.

    Vote System hates night-shift workers because of inconsistent timers between sites and CraftyMynes rant with suggested fix.

  2. I have had similar issues with the vote system but it falls on deaf ears. it resets at weird times and it is possible to vote twice in 24 hours. It did not work one day and broke my streak of 15 days. It has issues but as explained to me too bad no one cares cause it works for them. I cant vote the same time every single day and the varying time they reset for each page can mess me up. good luck getting any results.

  3. Oh, goodness no. I wasn't saying the system was broken or anything.

    Humfry actually hit the nail on the head with what the precise issue is; Late-nighters having more issues with keeping their streaks active thanks to off-hour play times coupled with each pages individual reset times exacerbating the issue.

    However, since you let me know what time the servers personal reset time is, I can plan my day a little better to work that out. 12AM CEST is 2pm AKST, my usual starting shift hour ironically, which means I get to do more math before going to bed tonight so I can plan out my next two weeks of voting.

    As for point #2, I was sleepy and worded that terribly. That point is kinda moot anyways, so we'll ignore it!