Does Lag Affect Mob Growth Rate?

  1. 8 years ago

    This may be a question with a very obvious answer but I am wondering because yesterday I set up a farm for cows, sheep, pigs and chickens. As soon I could get two cows, two pigs and two sheep penned up I bred all of them and then I used eggs to spawn chicks rather than luring chickens. I come back today and only the lamb had grown into an adult sheep, still having a calf, a piglet and two chicks. Obviously lag will hinder the growth rate but to what degree? Perhaps it's just bad luck since the game uses a tick-based algorithm to determine if an animal should grow.

  2. Endelikt

    10 Apr 2016 Suspended

    Animals won't grow up if you aren't loading the chunks they are in. That's profoundly obvious as the server would not be able to cope with calculating the movement of everything in the 200k x 200k map. Why would peoples entity counts matter if the map was loading everything all the time? If having more than 80 entity's for less than 50 players lags the server imagine something not far shy off a billion server wide. Use your head dude lol

  3. For crops, plants, and other vegetation growth you need to be within your (or the server's in this case) render distance. I think the server is set to 4 (chunks) so as long as you are within 4 chunks trees and things will grow. For animals though, Endelikt is right, you have to be within the same chunk that they are.

    On servers however, especially one that suffers from decreased performance because of player load, the tick rate is dragged down the more people are on. I do not know the ratio the tick speed drops per player volume, but I have a "measurer" of it in the form of my auto-chicken farm. Generally the more players are on, the less I hear the lava bucket and dispenser firing, meaning the slower the tick speed is. That's what I've observed and what I've generally followed in growing my farm and cows.

  4. Yeah, I know the chunks need to be loaded. Problem is, I spent quite a few hours on the server yesterday as well as today at and around my base.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by FlashFood

    How many players were on? You can always try to speed up their growth by feeding them the crop that breeds them.

  6. If you want to check the actual tick rate use some in game measure of time and time how long it takes irl.
    Some examples: serverplz ticks at a timed interval
    hopper timers
    dropped item despawn timer (which should be 5 minutes)

    Generally the server seems to run at about 15tps with about 30-40 people on although it has obviously been much lower at times.

    Also you will need to be within 3 chunks for them to grow with the current 4 chunk render distance.

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