@Raptider IGN: Raptider

Age: Hi

When did you first join CraftyMynes?: I don't know the exact date but around a year and a half ago

What is your tick count?: 4660900

What is your rank on CM?: VIP

How experienced are you in raiding and/or PVP?: I Consider myself pretty good at pvp and raiding

How do you like to play the game?: I grind, build, sell stuff to people and kill new players

Tell us about yourself (anything you'd like us to know, or general information about hobbies etc.): My name is Raptider and im Hi years old i play minecraft for around 6-7 hours a day, i watched too many movies and i like christmas

What do you like about Team Eye? (At least 50 words, no more than 150): I like how its a team about a team with a lot of people in and if i would get in i would feel a lot more protected than i am currently and because i hopefully will make friends. I also like the fact its a really powerful team. i also just realized this isnt 50 words so hello.

Why do you want to join? (At least 50 words, no more than 150): I would like to join because i would like to be in a team and want to have friends i also want to help and feel more protected, I also know a few people in there.

What do you bring to the table? (At least 100 words, no more than 200): As soon as i join you people will have an extra player (me) and i will also bring my "Average" pvp skills (i beat JackyChan in normal pvp couple of times) and my riches (im not that rich). I can also build pretty good so if you guys need me to build something i can (i can send couple of my builds) Im also online most of the time (CET timezone)

What sets you apart from the other applicants? (This is the most crucial question, write as much or as little as you want, but put thought into it): I don't know what the other applicants are good at but i did say a lot of things in the "What do you bring to the table" about what things im good at.