Brody0727's Ban Appeal (#2)

  1. 2 months ago

    IGN: Brody0727
    Reason for being banned: Chat/Filter Block
    Reason you should be unbanned: Yesterday, I was banned for posting links. Some people were talking about mice in chat and how they're cute, so I, trying to be funny, tried posting the Wikipedia page on the revolver mouse trap. When the chat filter blocked me, I tried to get around it to put the link in chat. I failed, and got banned. I believe I should be unbanned because the fact I tried getting around the filter was a really stupid idea, and I won't try it again.

  2. To be honest i was wondering whether this actually was much better than your first try. And now i see you have been rude in discord.

    Ban appeals need three elements. Acknowledgement, apology and assurance of no repeats. One of those is missing!

    Try again.



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