"go home" teleported me to the spawn?!!

  1. 8 years ago

    I spent so much of my house and sudnly, the command "go home" teleported me to the spawn i can't find my house! Do somebody knows how can I return to my house? PLEASE, this is realy importent

  2. When was the last time you played?

  3. 3 days ago...

  4. Maybe the spawn point was destroyed.

  5. What do you mean?

  6. "What do you mean?"
    What do you think I mean? Exactly what I said :P

  7. If you used a bed and it was destroyed or if grass or snow ends up on your set home location it will count your home as obstructed and send you to spawn

  8. outshOtz

    27 May 2016 Suspended

    blocks might have been placed in your 3x3x3 area where your sethome was

  9. Well, the server also had a hard reboot, cant remember when that happened. Anywho, message Crafty, he can get your stuff back.

  10. who is Crafty? the owner? and how can I messege to him?

  11. Someone probably griefed you.

  12. I also went to the cordinates and nothing

  13. The cords? then you might have been griefed

  14. No one whode grief ALL of my house, the chests themself gone and the farms

  15. sorry of my not-that-good english

  16. You'd be surprised unless you were within the 1000 block radius of spawn

  17. Sounds like you were griefed

  18. In Z was 1031

  19. X?

  20. Probably to close to spawn

  21. Newer ›

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