1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Drayx

    Title of the thread: DRaYxLP's ban appeal

    In Game Name: DRaYxLP

    Reason for your ban : spamming in the chat

    Why should you be unbanned: I played a game with my friends and want to show with a countdown when the game started. I didn't know that. I will never spam again. Sry but i dont know the rules and didn't realized the sever-messanges

  2. Ello, im the mod that banned you.

    You ignored both my chat warning, and the kick message. You had pleanty of warnings, so ignorange isnt an excuse. Maybe you need to read the rules you accepted when you first joined.

    You will be unbanned in 2 days from the time of your appeal


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