Real_Cujos's Ban Appeal

  1. 8 years ago

    In Game Name: Real_Cujos

    Reason for your ban:

    I was banned for "advertisement."

    Why should you be unbanned:

    Hello CraftyMynes Staff, I just made a very serious mistake while playing Minecraft on your server. I was reading the chat while I was mining and someone said that r2x2 (That server may not be spelled correctly) doesn't have any refreshes. Then a VIP said something along the lines of "Wow once again, someone is advertising that server."

    Being the idiot that I am, I thought that it would be really funny to pretend to be another person advertising that server as a joke because of what the VIP had just said. (At the time, I just thought that it would be funny and didn't know that I could be banned).

    I said: "Come check out r2x2 (or whatever it was called) without advertisements!" "Its free!" "jk" ...

    When no one immediately replied "lol Real_Cujos" or "haha" I knew that I was in some serious trouble. Surely enough, my screen went dark and I realized that I was banned for "advertisement."

    Staff, I am very sorry that I am now putting you through this inconvenience because of my stupid mistake. I should definitely re-read the server rules after I post this ban appeal to make sure that I never make a mistake like this again. That is because I love CraftyMynes. It is the only server that I play on publicly because of how simple it is and how nice the people are. I absolutely love it and I am 100% in support of it. Again, I apologize for my mistake and I hope that you will consider accepting my ban appeal.

    Thank you, Real_Cujos

  2. You will remain banned on violations of the chat rules, but seeing as it was neither done in malice and that i may have thought you were the initial advertiser as well, it will only be for 24 hours from the time of this ban appeal.

    see you tomorrow :P

  3. pardoned

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