Racooon_Gaming ban appel

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by racoon_gaming

    In Game Name:racoon_gaming

    Reason for your ban:x-ray

    Why should you be unbanned:first off I admit to x-ray and I don't know what I was doing I was so stupid I had been on the server for about 5 hours strait and idk why I was being so stupid I realy do love this server and I was even asking in chat earlier how to buy a rank I understand that I most likey wont get unbanned but if I do I will never hack again! I hope u can forgive me!

  2. Hello its good that you can admit to your mistakes however we do not tolerate any form of cheating.
    If you wish to return you can do so on a different account, if caught cheating again however it will most likely result in a ip ban.
    Appeal Denied

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