name: bomb_squid (Yes its me again ;-;)
Reason i got banned: joking about the [Server] (I said in chat /kill Server i mean not the actual server but the robot that auto answers you)
Why I should be unbanned: I think the staff thought i was talking about the server but i was actually talking about the robot that answers you when you say for example book? So it was a joke anyway and i think ill never say anything unnecesarry again on this server because it would really suck to get banned again. Sorry Nysic,it was just a plain joke ;-; Literally. I didnt mean to offend the server in any way,I actually like it.
Edit: I know i was already banned once. I was unbanned. I am just asking for one more chance. Please i like the server i like to spend my time on it when i get bored of doing something else!