Banned For No Reson

  1. 8 years ago

    I was just playing. Then someone just made me start spamming in chat. Please help
    Minecraft Username: LovoYT

  2. Edited 8 years ago by Nysic

    LovoTV you were banned by the server automatically.

    LovoYT - 2016/02/29 05:14:30 Banned By:Server Server - 1.8 Reason:Caps/Spam, Please appeal on the forums!

    This is not someone making you spam, the server kicks you and you have to log back in and spam again.

    Once I haveI have the logs of what you were banned for I'll set a time.


  3. You will be unbanned in 3 days time, try not to spam the server again.


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