Saying goodbye to the campsite

  1. 7 years ago

    Just hopped on the server for the first time in months, gonna start over with a new base and figured I'd share the little home I've built for myself before I abandon it for good :)

    HEAVY inspiration comes from this one guy's builds on youtube GoodTimesWithScar
    (like borderline plagiarism oops)

    gonna link the album cuz I'm a lazy PoS

  2. Welp I packed up all my tools that I wanted to take with me and immediately got killed. Lowkey lost the desire to play but idk, maybe I'll start from scratch :/

  3. Actually is it against server rules to chill outside the boundaries of the safezone on the nether roof and kill someone as soon as they go on their merry way? Wondering if that's like camping or something. salty af right now

  4. Blesian

    5 Nov 2016 Suspended


  5. You hermitcraft fan

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