Supken66's Ban Appeal

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Supken66


    In Game Name: Supken66

    Reason for your ban: Chat Violation (Trolling)

    Why should you be unbanned:

    Hi again. In my opinion, Trolling is a really subjectif reason for a ban. In the fact, I was talking to 2 others randoms persons on the general chat and got ban for trolling.
    I'm sorry if for you this is a troll, I will not write again on the general chat and playing the game on my side.

    Thanks you.

  2. ello, i'm the mod that banned you

    You were warned and kicked for multiple reasons by multiple staff members. When a staff member tells you to stop doing something, you need to stop doing it, not go out of your way to walk as close to breaking the rules as possible.

    You will be banned in 24hrs

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