TheRealGarGar's Ban Appeal

  1. 7 years ago

    In Game Name: TheRealGarGar
    Why I was banned: "you were banned from the server" never got a explanation but willing to bet money that it was because i typed out "come" "cum"
    Why I think I should be unbanned: because it was my own unique typing style and my brain wanted to get my message out quicker because i type fast.

  2. G'day,

    You'll notice under the "You have been banned from the server" it always lists a reason, in your case that reason was Chat Violations. I can appreciate that you are new to the server but this however, does not excuse you from our rules.

    Because this is your first time being banned from the server, I'll pardon you in 24 hours time. On this website is a list of rules, you can find the link at the top of this or any page. While you remain banned from our server, I would take this opportunity to view them. This will hopefully avoid you ending up here again.


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