Oceania's Official Policies

  1. 9 years ago

    Oceania Policies

    General, related to Oceania itself

    Upon notice of thievery, a council will be called through whispers. We will go to grewt lengths to discover the perpetrator and issue a punishment. Do not expect to get away with such things.

    Do not give away any private information regarding Oceania or any of its members. Public information shall be shared but only to a certain extent.

    Foreign Policy

    Upon recieval of base coordinates, one of these three things should happen after the
    owner of the base is informed.

    If we discover a base and we don't know who's it is (After research) we will level it and loot it.

    Policy scenarios:
    sub I. They politely ask us not to share them, as we shall oblige.
    sub II. They are rude to us, at which point we will consult each other as to whether we should inform certain notorious raiders or not.
    sub III. They are either extremely rude to us, at which point their base will be demolished and/or filled in/leveled. We do not appreciate offensive gestures.

    If the Great Hall should be compromised, we shall relocate to a backup base located in an obscure location. Less trustworthy and/or loyal members might be booted to protect against traitordom. The items taken will vary by importance, whilst trying to jettison everything Oceania can easily replace. Haste and quick wit is appreciated.

    Commanders' Policies

    I. Do not treat the personnel under you with hostility or rudeness. It is appreciated if you would keep our members trustable and loyal.

    II. Help your fellow members, regardless of rank. Assistance to anyone, no matter what position they are in, is essential for the progression of Oceania. Refusal to assist others could result in temporary bans from essential areas of the Great Hall.

    III. Discover, locate, and report traitors to higher ranked members. It is essential that the Great Hall not be discovered by someone who is not part of Oceania. Traitors would seize the opportunity to give away or sell the coordinates of the Great Hall to known raiders. All suspicious activity must be reported, without exceptions.

    IV. Organize construction missions. Buildings, whether they be watchtowers or storehouses, need to be erected to hold extra resources in case the Great Hall cannot hold them, or to protect against incoming attackers. Remember to leave materials for others, and only take what is needed.


    These are the policies of Oceania. They may change as time goes by and more members come here. That is all.

  2. Is Oceania still operating, or are they no longer functioning?

  3. They are still operating! Just finished a raid, actually.

  4. It wasn't much of a raid :P All you did was blow up a cobble ufo lol

  5. you mean your skybase

    i dont hate you, you're not my enemy

  6. At least I'm safe.

  7. lol

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