I would first and foremost like to apologize if 1. this wastes your time and this isnt resolved and 2. if it is resolved and my ban was for a dumb reason then i apologize. My ban was for using an abusive amount of caps in chat ( total of 3 times ) Me and my friend were mining and we found 5 diamond veins in 4 minutes so thefirst time i said "DIAMONDS!" without knowledge of the rules ( My mistake ill read the rule book ) second time after my warning i forgot to disable it and i accidentally did it again "dIAMONDS" 3rd time I thought it would be ok If I did "DiaMondS" And then i was banned. Me and my friend went over how I shouldnt have done that and in the future Not use an abusive spam of caps. I will try to refrain myself from using the amount of caps i used. I hope this is sincere enough and I hope you trust I wont abuse chat any more. Thank You!
-My apologies