Bethy/LadyRenegade's Ban Appeal

  1. 7 years ago

    In Game Name: LadyRenegade

    Reason for your ban: Hacking (Admission of Guilt)?

    Why should you be unbanned: So, I was on the server and I pointed out in chat that the rules didn't allow anyone to say anything even remotely non-minecraft related in chat. I stopped talking about it quite quickly though because I even said I didn't want to upset anyone, and then I left. I try to come back 3 hours later and suddenly it's saying that I'm banned for "Hacking (Admission of Guilt)"? Like, what? During my entire time on the server, I didn't even talk about Hacking..? I literally just want to play the game... I don't understand, how did the admins come up with "Hacking (Admission of Guilt)" from me talking about a rule and leaving a few minutes later? You can even check the logs if you want. If you wanted to silence me, you could've just warned me that you didn't want me talking about the rules, and I would've stopped talking about it. In fact, I even DID stop talking about. Where the hell did Hacking come from in that conversation? We weren't even TALKING about hacking...

  2. During my entire time on the server, I didn't even talk about Hacking..?

    Is that a question? Cuz i have an answer

    Fun Fact: I'm hacking right now!

    Really? Noone cares im hacking XD

    Gee, i wonder where we got the idea from...

    Where the hell did Hacking come from in that conversation?

    Where? No idea, you're the one that said it, not me.

    Hacking is not something this server takes lightly

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