Banned for sexual references

  1. 6 years ago

    IGN: SarcasticSociety (I changed it to warriorgirl576 because this used to be my user and I was feeling nostalgic)

    Reason I was banned: I up arrowed someone’s comment on a threesome. I never said anything about it.

    Reason I should be unbanned: I promise you I will just be quiet in the chat unless it is something appropriate. I didn’t realize I would be getting banned for this.

  2. Hello, I'm the mod that banned you. You've had more than enough warnings over the past couple days about your various chat offenses, ranging from caps to sexual remarks, both verbally and in the form of kicks. Saying you weren't aware you could get banned from it isn't the best strategy considering I told you that the next one would be a ban.

    You'll be pardoned in 24 hours, I'd suggest you read the rules and take staff warnings a bit more seriously in the future.

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