
Last active last year

  1. last year
    Sun Oct 29 16:05:14 2023

    Something came up people! My IllumiNation insider said they planned for me to post this and that it's been allocated as the team's player-application page! So I guess if you want to be an illuminati person and walk around saying "IllumiNation, IllumiNation, IllumiNation!" go for it, but yeah not for me...

  2. Wed Oct 25 19:00:37 2023
    XenialJesse started the conversation IllumiNation Classified Files - LEAKED.

    Hey guys and gals! Just another day at the office and today I got something big for you; Nothing less than an IllumiNation Agent Posting! It's obviously a highly classified document so you know your boy is happy today!!!!! I think you'll need to check this one out!

    - Xen


  3. Thu Mar 23 19:29:43 2023
    XenialJesse posted in Thank You Crafty!.

    Popping back in to agree with this. I hopped around servers for a while, several times, but couldn't find anything that matches CraftyMynes for the vanilla experience while still having a good community, and good staff.

    The alternative where I spent most my time was run by an owner who just could not hear the most blatant, loudest problems the community was pointing to. He had allowed all end portals to be broken, and had ignored a corrupt mod. Yet several of us had been reporting this for ages; long enough for me to examine every single end portal; long enough for another player to literally fake-earn the trust of the bad players and become a spy. Took him about a month. Within an hour of him exposing the corrupt mod (he was finally let in to their manufactured end portal), the map was obliterated and all players lost everything. Point is, this was discussed in the owner's Discord daily, and messaged directly to him over and over... for absolutely ages.

    Another one I tried came close, but it just would not stop spamming huge admin messages. Couldn't get past it.

    The admin presence in Crafty has always been positive. I love the ban & jail system hehe... everyone celebrates by trying to win the villian's head. And the community in Crafty has always been relatively very, very low in BS, with even fair play base-destroying, looting, and player-killing taken in a respectable way by everyone.

  4. 4 years ago
    Sat Jan 30 02:40:04 2021

    Nice, I noticed the message is clearer too. Good stuff.

  5. Fri Jan 29 01:14:23 2021

    Happened to me a few times but I only lost cheap items.
    Two comments I wanted to add:

    The language is a bit loose. If I'm repositioning a bee hive in my inventory, and have a sword in my right hand and rockets in my left hand... which of these I am "holding" isn't clear. Something involving the words mouse, cursor, or inventory could be good.

    A minor nitpick, but since we all tele all the time it seems a bit bloaty to keep getting the same warning day in day out. After the 100th time, we'll get it. Any chance it could be reined in to only appear when most valuable? I don't know what can or can't be implemented easily, but some suggestions:

    • - only if your inventory is opened just after you type the tele command
    • - only 20 times per account
    • - only the first 10 times you tele having not logged in for more than 3 days
    • - ???

    Btw good job staff responding so quickly to a player's issue.

  6. 5 years ago
    Sun Feb 2 15:12:29 2020
    XenialJesse posted in Reset the map please.

    This map's only been around since April I think.

  7. Thu Jan 30 19:28:43 2020
    XenialJesse started the conversation The old plugin/vanilla topic.

    Hi all, haven't been on in a while. If this has been done to death in the several months since I was last on, sorry. There's nothing on the first page of General.

    Coming back to Crafty after trying a few other places, I see things have kind of become a bit worse. Not quite as bad 1.14 in its heyday, but still not great. Here's what it appears that players on CM have to accept now:

    • inventory lag
    • low server render distance
    • poor chunk loading still
    • no rain
    • 2 hour restarts

    All 5 of these things are compromises to play on vanilla software.

    The low render distance and (especially) the inventory lag make the game uncomfortable to play. Honestly when you go back to non-inventory-lag play, it weirds you out for a while. Meanwhile did the render distance get reduced sometime in the last year? Or have I just become used to better? The missing rain sucks for trident owners; the chunk loading sucks for ely users. The restarts... aren't a huge deal I admit.

    There are servers out there without so many sacrifices.

    I can't name names (per CM rules), but I'm on one now with zero of the above compromises. No invent lag, render distance is 10, no chunk loading issues I can notice, rain, and 24 hour restarts. Mob count is completely healthy; I encountered 30 on one screen and, quite unlike CM, new mobs spawned ahead of me quickly and continuously no matter how much I ran from them. I couldn't run to safety (and learnt the hard way).

    Note that I'm not blaming anything or anyone for CM's performance other than the vanilla MC software itself. But I feel like it's worth considering plugins again. I've previously been in support of one way, then the other. But now I feel convinced the pros of vanilla software aren't outweighing the cons.

    FWIW the server I'm referring to is running BungeeCord-Bootstrap 1.15.

  8. Sat Aug 24 11:14:31 2019
    XenialJesse posted in Yo Crafty!.

    Crafty, you mentioned no particles earlier. Why no particles? Just for low-spec performance?

    Also, is it possible to allow only rain but never thunderstorms? It would still prevent skele horses and such, but at least tridents could be used properly.

  9. Mon Aug 12 18:36:08 2019
    XenialJesse posted in 1.14.4 thoughts?.

    Changed this thread to now be about 1.14.4.

    A few of the big changes I've noticed:

    Block lag jerks camera

    The biggest and worst change is the change to block lag. Not everyone gets this but in my opinion, for those that do get it this is one of the worst/most irritating bugs they've shipped the game with.

    Now when a laggy block reappears, the player's position and orientation jump back to where they were before it disappeared. In other words, block lag now jerks the player's motion around. Since block lag can happen quite a bit, camera jerkiness is really common for me now. I hate it. It's like when you're mining on Crafty with cobblestone tools, and blocks reappear. Now imagine that every time that happens, the camera (ie, you) gets moved and pointed in a different direction.

    I tried this on a paper server too; exactly the same problem.

    Here's the "fix" I believe caused the problem. Feel free to give it some heat there:

    Cured villagers fixed, trade caps softened, restocking bug crazy OP

    Villagers. Cured villagers are indeed fixed and they once again keep their discounts permanently. So villagers are back to their pre-1.14.3 OP behaviour.

    Except now they also trade about 50-100% more than before... and that's without the new restocking bug.
    Without the restocking bug, they're the most generous version of villagers we've had; perhaps only beaten by 1.14.2 due to how easily it could farm Hero of the Village V.

    But with the restocking bug, once again, Mojang has fixed a thing by breaking a thing. Villagers are now so OP that emeralds aren't what you think about anymore, exp is.
    With just 2 cured villagers you can gain 30 levels in 2 minutes. The one run of this I tried took 2 minutes and 20 seconds, and for that 2 minutes of trouble I was also drowned in the by-products of spare lanterns, bookshelves, and about 180 emeralds.

    Bonkers OP.

    No need to stand on station to restock?

    Apparently villagers no longer need to stand ON a workstation to restock. Haven't confirmed but makes sense since they've definitely been tinkering with restock mechanics.


  10. Thu Jul 11 08:23:31 2019

    1 villager and 1 bed are all that's needed for a raid :)

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