Item Held Disappears when Teleporting to Trade

  1. 4 years ago

    In warping to trade, I took my elytra off right before the teleport to prepare for the trade booth since elytras are not allowed in there. As I took it off, I teleported, and when I got to trade, my elytra was gone. I repeated this experiment several times with less valuable items afterward and got the same result.

    Is this something that can be fixed? It sucks to lose your item when you teleport

  2. I'll get this looked into straight away

  3. It probably has to do with the fact you cross dimensions at least once when you teleport. I'm not sure what I can do to avoid this, there is no way I know of to detect when a player has an item in their "inventory" but actually in their "mouse pointer". This is because of 2 Minecraft bugs, one that allows any player to know where you teleport to/from (this is why we make players cross dimensions) and one that vanishes "mouse pointer" items when teleporting cross dimensions. It is also not helped by the lack of a test for "mouse pointer" items.

    If anyone can think of a fix I am open, if not, we will just have to deal with it on a case by case basis, please contact staff or myself to get an item replaced due to teleporting, also, don't hold items when teleporting.

  4. I saw the warning when I teleported about two minutes ago. That's a good solution, I think. If I could get my elytra replaced, that would be great, but I understand if I can't since it was my fault for holding it

  5. Please let an admin know next time you are on to get it replaced.

  6. Edited 4 years ago by XenialJesse

    Happened to me a few times but I only lost cheap items.
    Two comments I wanted to add:

    The language is a bit loose. If I'm repositioning a bee hive in my inventory, and have a sword in my right hand and rockets in my left hand... which of these I am "holding" isn't clear. Something involving the words mouse, cursor, or inventory could be good.

    A minor nitpick, but since we all tele all the time it seems a bit bloaty to keep getting the same warning day in day out. After the 100th time, we'll get it. Any chance it could be reined in to only appear when most valuable? I don't know what can or can't be implemented easily, but some suggestions:

    • - only if your inventory is opened just after you type the tele command
    • - only 20 times per account
    • - only the first 10 times you tele having not logged in for more than 3 days
    • - ???

    Btw good job staff responding so quickly to a player's issue.

  7. @Xenial_Jesse Happened to me a few times but I only lost cheap items.
    Two comments I wanted to add:

    The language is a bit loose. If I'm repositioning a bee hive in my inventory, and have a sword in my right hand and rockets in my left hand... which of these I am "holding" isn't clear. Something involving the words mouse, cursor, or inventory could be good.

    A minor nitpick, but since we all tele all the time it seems a bit bloaty to keep getting the same warning day in day out. After the 100th time, we'll get it. Any chance it could be reined in to only appear when most valuable? I don't know what can or can't be implemented easily, but some suggestions:

    • - only if your inventory is opened just after you type the tele command
    • - only 20 times per account
    • - only the first 10 times you tele having not logged in for more than 3 days
    • - ???

    Btw good job staff responding so quickly to a player's issue.

    It should now only tell you once per 24hour period. (ex. if you log on once per day it will tell you once, then stop)

  8. Nice, I noticed the message is clearer too. Good stuff.

  9. I just did .survival from my base while holding my netherite chestplate. Turns out it dropped on the floor for me during the teleport, so it was back at my base when I came back. I'm not sure whether this is always the case but it didn't just disappear for me.

  10. I seem to also remember the item being dropped instead of vanishing entirely. Can't be sure though

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