
Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Tue Jul 17 01:18:51 2018
    rosstopotamus started the conversation Wanting to buy chunks.

    Hey Crafty!

    Carhadras and I have loved playing on the server and have put a lot into our current base. We are really excited for the reset but will be sad to see our old base go. I read on the reset thread that there will be the opportunity to buy our old base and I have a few questions. Do you know yet when that will be available in the store? Is there a limit to how many chunks can be included? Is there a known price yet? Will it be a flat price or a price per chunk?

  2. 7 years ago
    Tue Aug 29 00:55:47 2017
    rosstopotamus posted in Word Association.


  3. Sun Aug 27 02:12:35 2017
    rosstopotamus posted in The "Into Fire And Flame" Challenge.

    I'll say one screenie with the wither boss, one screenie with pissed off pigmen, and one screenie at the border. Everything else I'll take on faith. Also to be clear when I say one db I mean one diamond block (I don't have lots of diamonds right now)

  4. Sun Aug 27 01:33:22 2017
    rosstopotamus posted in The "Into Fire And Flame" Challenge.

    no thank you but I've got a db for whoever can do it and post a screenshot

  5. Sun Aug 27 01:30:11 2017
    rosstopotamus posted in Word Association.


  6. Sat Aug 26 03:41:51 2017
    rosstopotamus posted in Word Association.

    so coming back to jamlbon's word frog - jump

  7. Wed Aug 16 01:16:37 2017
    rosstopotamus started the conversation Sorry For Disappearing.

    Hey y'all, sorry for just disappearing. I've had a crazy summer and I've started a new job that takes up a lot of my time. It's not that I don't love the server, it's that I seriously haven't had time to play. Unfortunately my new job is going to make it so that I have very little free time but hopefully I can start to spend a bit of it on the server again. I miss the server and I hope I can be back on a little bit more.

  8. Fri May 19 01:24:48 2017
    rosstopotamus posted in Story 2.0.

    cut off access to all the hackers

  9. Sat May 13 04:09:50 2017
    rosstopotamus started the conversation rosstopotamus Staff Application.

    In Game Name: rosstopotamus

    Age: 24

    Time Zone: Central Time Zone UTC-06:00

    Stretngths: Answering questions from new players, monitoring in game chat, building, knuckling down on repetitive tasks

    Weaknesses: PvP, coding knowledge, knowledge of intricacies to the rules, knowledge of intricacies of the server, typing speed, my computer and internet sometimes lead to issues getting on or staying on the server (getting kicked due to connection timing out), I am hoping to remedy my weaknesses in my knowledge of the details about the rules and general knowledge of the server through study of both.

    Why you are Applying: Because I would love to help this server continue to be the best. This server has been ideal for me in that it has a community of players who are here to enjoy this great game and great server while providing a generally positive environment. I've not had any other online gaming experience with this level of friendliness. I enjoy helping other players and helping the server and I would like the chance to do that in an official capacity.

    Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): 5,283,177 ticks at last check, however I know that I easily had more than 5 million ticks before the reset. I really wish I had a record of how many to be able to have a hard number for y'all but I never thought I would need it. If I need to wait until I have 10 million verifiable ticks I totally understand.

    Custom Note (optional): This server has provided me with several wonderful things, one of the most influential has been the ability to connect with my now fiance' while we were dating long distance. CraftyMynes provided a way for us to connect with each other and share something meaningful to us both from 500+ miles away. Besides that CraftyMynes became a refuge where I could go (while I was connecting to something that connected me to my fiance') and feel welcomed every time I logged in and that is what means the most for me going forward. I want to extend that welcoming environment to other new players and help support the community of CraftyMynes.

  10. Sat May 13 02:11:18 2017
    rosstopotamus posted in Story 2.0.

    but suddenly from the skies,

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