
Last active 6 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Mon Jan 9 18:42:44 2017
    builder7555 posted in Shield (And Banner) Shop.

    @TheBlizWiz Bringing your own banner is only 5 wood and 1 iron. At that point I'm just making the shield.


  2. Mon Jan 9 18:35:15 2017
    builder7555 posted in Public Death Counter.

    who even cares? its not like there's a punishment for dying too much

  3. Mon Jan 9 18:33:00 2017
    builder7555 posted in I Purpose a Question.

    well, discussing about science and souls and feelings is all very different from person to person. personally, i believe in science and that there isn't really a purpose existence, other then existing. We as a human species believe that we are intelligent, not because we're good at surviving, but because we're good at asking questions. There ere a lot of experiments with monkey's, who have proven to be very 'intelligent', they are SO intelligent we have even succeeded in learning them to communicate with us using sign language, however, even though they can communicate, no monkey on earth that can do this ever asked us a single question. they don't care about "why" they feel certain things, they just feel them. we as a species have gotten to a point where we don't need our natural instincts anymore, and thus we wonder why we ever did needed them.

  4. Mon Jan 9 18:20:18 2017

    i've got an idea: let's just sell the way we want to sell, if you want diamonds, ask diamonds. if u want emeralds, ask emeralds. Problem solved!

  5. Sun Jan 8 19:59:56 2017
    builder7555 posted in I Purpose a Question.

    but in all seriousness tho, "Happines", just lik all other feelings are "tools" we use to survive. if you eat something with a lot of energy, something very important to survive, you'l be "Happy" because of chemicals in the brain. if something makes you "happy" you'l do it again, because being "happy" makes us happy. if that makes any sense.

  6. Sun Jan 8 19:55:33 2017
    builder7555 posted in I Purpose a Question.

    Science FTW!

  7. Sun Jan 8 18:20:58 2017
    builder7555 posted in blackened dawn.

    why is there an all out war against staff? if they close a thread they'l probably have their reasons for it.

  8. Sun Jan 8 15:12:09 2017
    builder7555 posted in What makes you more happy?.

    through the power of science!!!

  9. Sun Jan 8 12:33:59 2017
    builder7555 posted in What makes you more happy?.

    @GrinningBobcat all cause addiction

    they don't necessarily cause addiction, cause else you'd be addicted to everything that ever made you even a little bit happy

  10. Sun Jan 8 10:09:07 2017

    @jabean I feel like people are really over valuing diamonds in this discussion. They aren't at all hard to get if you put in the time to mine them; and "stockpiling" them isn't depleting the economy because they are realistically an infinitely expandable resource. If the amount of diamonds on this server was "fixed" and we all started out with a set amount and people hoarded them that would be the case but it isn't as anyone can go down to the lower Y levels and find them.
    I prefer trading diamonds as the currency of choice because of their utilitarian nature and they provide an incentive for people to trade the rarer items like shulker boxes and beacons whenever I put out a purchase request for them; people who are looking to sell these items aren't going to want emeralds, even in bulk. As one of the "rich" players on this server I happily overpay or under-price items whenever I buy/sell because I don't view them as being super rare or hard to obtain. I think a lot of people like me who spend most of their time mining end up "stockpiling" diamonds because there simply isn't really anything out there that we can't obtain through mining so we don't have any incentive to add our diamonds into circulation.
    It may be an unpopular opinion but I feel like the barter system/economy is working out really well for us compared to the last server as there aren't any OP villager trades and you're forced to negotiate with other players to get items you really want. On the last server I probably traded with other players a handful of times and did the bulk of my trading through the villagers in the TP and VIP lounges. I feel like the economy has gotten a lot better since the reset, but that is just my two cents.

    Here's a screencap from today of one of my shulker boxes that I keep in my e-chest for proof as well as the stats page showing how many blocks I've mined since the last reset. Using mending on everything has pretty much eliminated any consumption of diamonds for me so everything I get is pretty much straight profit. -image- -image-

    What you're describing here is EXACTLY the problem we're trying to solve! you might not have any use for diamonds, but players like me, who aren't rich, do. I don't have full diamond gear with mending and to me and a lot of other players diamonds are really necessary to progress in the game. emeralds however aren't necessary to progress and thus we can use them to trade. any diamonds that we obtain aren't used for trading or just looking pretty in a chest, but to make things wich we need to progress, therefor, using diamonds as currency is very inefficient and sometimes even impossible. then on the other hand, there are players like you, which just keep loads of diamonds in a chest without ever looking back to them. even if u don't want to buy stuff with it, you could still keep emeralds in there and sell the diamonds to players who actually need them.

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