Last active 2 weeks ago
Santa’s sack is cute. Should have had cookies in it though.
I think it’s fixed now.
There seems to have been an error. Other people who weren’t doing anything wrong also got banned. Hopefully it gets resolved soon.
I believe this incident hinges on the section of the rules that says: “This means anything that gives you an unfair advantage over players who are playing the game the way the game was intended to be played.” I don’t believe Mojang intended for players to use the debug screen to find otherwise well hidden bases.
If it were up to me, the rules would be updated to be even more specific to this issue.
I think if we’re being honest this method feels like it’s cheating, because it is cheating. Standard players are just digging and placing blocks while other players are basically playing an entirely different game in the debug menu.
It’s sad to imagine this exploit being allowed and all players having no hope of having a useful base that can be reasonably hidden.
Unfortunately, from what I’ve read, the pie chart cannot currently be disabled on a vanilla server.
This should be a game changer. I’m so happy about this. Even though I don’t know how to use it yet.
Oooh, amethyst bud (unobtainable in survival) that’s fun.
Hey, I can see my house from here.
Not sure if my mansion counts because it's primarily not an original creation. It's YouTube inspired. Plus, other possible specification problems. But I'll get the party started anyway.
Did you say lie about it? No. Timmy don’t play that.