TomasUruguay's Ban Appeal

  1. 3 years ago

    In game name: TomasUruguay
    Reason for ban: X-raying

    Hello, I am appealing a ban given to me on the 27th of December 2020.
    On this date I was banned for X-raying, and after 2 years I want to be unbanned. What I did was unforgivable but I believe in second chances. After thinking about what I did for the better part of the last two years I am sorry for what I did. So, the reason for why i believe you should unban me is: I am sorry, what I did was wrong, but after all this time (and even a server reset) I believe i have served my sentence, I also wanted to make a solemn promise a promise that I will not only never repeat my actions but a promise that I will bring a positive outlook onto the community and the server and to make it a better place.

    Yours sincerely, TomasUruguay

    -Date of message 22/1/2022-

  2. Hello, I'm the mod that banned you.

    From what I can tell you seem sincere. And while I'm pretty sure you wouldn't x-ray again, our rules state that accounts that x-ray or otherwise cheat are permanently banned with no chance of being unbanned. Even after all this time, I'm afraid we have to stay true to our rules.

    This account will remain banned.


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