j____a____r____d Ban Appeal

  1. 3 months ago

    In Game Name: j____a____r____d

    Reason for your ban: Banned by an operator

    Why should you be unbanned: I was doing nothing but goin' over my wheat field with my chopper when I was banned from the server, I didn't do anything wrong and was just doing an honest days work of harvesting. I know I express my opinions on the flourishing and controversial renovatin' business sometimes and some folk don't like it, but CraftyMynes has been the freest and most patriotic it's ever been in years and I want to continue doin' my hard wheat farmin' work with no troubles. Thank you and Crafty bless our staff!

  2. Obviously this was just the server having a tummy ache. Glad to know you are a good hardworking farmer.
    The staff will enjoy the blessing!

    All sorted now :D

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