outshotz re appeal again

  1. 3 months ago


    Nov 21 Suspended

    n Game Name: outshOtz

    Reason for your ban: Staff needed a break from moderating me for 2 weeks

    Why should you be unbanned: Since i’m not able to reply to appeals it will simply have to suffice to make a new one. To answer you directly ,“slaint_alainn” of course I don’t understand what I have been banned for. I have already appealed, apologized, and repented my sins. I was forgiven, and granted an unban after a week. Before I was unbanned, and even had a chance to break any more rules a 2 week ban was set in place on top of my already week long ban, without my knowledge. I was not informed of this, despite “commandercat” insisting I was. A couple of my teammates reported to me that they had been banned for 2 weeks with a reason of “we need a break and so do you.” This was before I had even been unbanned, so I had no reason to believe I was included in these bans. I DM’d tez1010, or tezzer, the admin, and asked about why the others were banned. We had a conversation about it, nowhere in which did she mention that I was also included in the “2 week bans,” only that I had been timed out of the discord server for a particular message I had sent. Upon not getting unbanned at the date I was supposed to, I made a thread assuming it had been a mistake. This was when “Commander” reamed me out for being “well aware” of what was going on, and told me not to waste the staff’s time with “joke posts.” This is when I realized I was included in the 2 week break bans, however I still have not been given a reason.

    So no, I do not understand why the ban was put in place, as nobody has educated me. I have already apologized for what I did. I have appealed. I have not even had an opportunity to break any rules since being forgiven, and granted a pending pardon. Quite frankly, it is ridiculous you would have me apologize again, “slainte_allen,” when you have not even done the bare minimum of tell me what I am apologizing for.

    I have apologized. I have appealed. I have been told I would get unbanned. I have broken no rules since being told this. I have served my time and then some. I would like to be unbanned now, thank you.

  2. First off, this is better.

    You were banned for toxic play. If you don't feel like you were providing toxic play on the server or in discord then I'm not filled with high hopes for this pardon.
    I was not looking for an apology, simply an understanding on your part that toxic play will not be tolerated.
    You are now unbanned from the server and discord with my sincere hope that your play will be rewarding for you and for the community of CM.
    To be clear, more toxic play will result in a much longer ban.
    Happy Myning.

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