1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago
    Deleted 8 years ago by GibsonAxe
  3. 7 years ago


    7 Jul 2016
    Deleted 3 years ago by CraftyMyner
  4. You know i need my grand dad in the morning
    that's some good shit

  5. @_UNDRSCRE_ (forgive me if thread necro but I need my zesty maymays and i have no idea how long is considered inactive for posts.)

    now that argon is suspended I've gotta pick up on these spicy skeleton memes

    Excellent work on picking up the slack, I too will add a few skeleton memes here is just a couple i found online, they are more stupid then spooky though lol
    P.s. anyone know how long a suspended account lasts for, sorry if that is a touchy subject.

  6. [deleted]

    7 Jul 2016
    Deleted 3 years ago by CraftyMyner
  7. Players Joining Craftymynes Expecting tons of PvP like

  8. The round spongebobs should be holding books and magically dissappearing

  9. @Spy21DD The round spongebobs should be holding books and magically dissappearing

    With a chat bubble that says something like "I want my armor back :("

  10. *dinosaur face* if humans can create problems, why cant they fix them?

  11. Wow much MLG:
    (Seizure warning)

  12. http://ifunny.co/fun/lhQ5Yrs84

  13. Necro. Post.

  14. @OtherGreenGamer Necro. Post.

    But I like memes :/

  15. Dank memes never die

  16. Edited 7 years ago by ViciousKangaroo


  17. Why does this thread exist?

  18. @OpticImpulse Why does this thread exist?

    because somebody made it...want to know how babies are made while you are here?

  19. Edited 7 years ago by Grinning_Bobcat


    Paul the 3 eyed Monkey

  20. @Laggy_GIF because somebody made it...want to know how babies are made while you are here?

    Oh gawd... Welp! I'm gonna get going! *runs*

  21. Newer ›

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