Netherack Wall of doom

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by ALPHAVILLE_ADMIN

    Ok, my newest build just started as something to do expecting 1.9 to come out asap. I started building a netherack wall at 1001 around spawn. I had it nearly completed, and was about to start building towers at the corners, make it 3 wide because it was a fun path to run, and set it on fire. I had a stupid reason, but know am into the challenge of building it.

    BUT, and im not accusing anyone, I suspect someone with special powers or abilities removed it. #1 because in running the whole 8000 block loop there are 0 dropped netherack items. Thats 18 inventory loads of netherack. Someone mining and waiting for them to despawn would have to stand somewhere 5 minutes every app 240 blocks. Thats almost 166 minutes of JUST waiting for despawn, not including mining. Thats about 32,000 netherack, requiring about 6-7 Inbreaking 3 diamond picks. Ive mined 1.4 million netherack myself, I know it inside and out.

    #2 I Painstakingly tucked the netherack into every nook and crany of hillsides and under water, and into holes using much meat and water breathing potions, and speed pots. It is removed as though it was done with a replace command. Blink-Blink. Not 1 extra block is touched.

    So I ask... Who is removing my work? Im impressed that you removed in less than a day what it took me and 2 other person 4 days to make. How did you do it?

    Who ever it is... Thanks for the challenge. I only have like 57,000 more netherack to play with till 1.9 so...

  2. I believe it was an admin with /fill or .nuker, we like to make spawn look pretty, it's more inviting to the new players, big walls and holes give the impression that this server has been used up and there's not much life left to give. If i remember correctly, you had a plan to make the overworld in the nether? Now that you have more netherrack then one could possibly need, how about the nether in the overworld? it would likely be a lot easier and make for a cool build. You could also see about covering a square area, 100x100 with one layer of netherrack, that also might look cool. Just remember to do it past spawn.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by ALPHAVILLE_ADMIN

    I did Crafty. The rule we tell every new player is, "Dont build anything less than 1000 from spawn or it will be removed". I built at 1000 +1 on purpose. At first, it was because I was bored and saw no point in finishing Paradise in Hell before 1.9 since I would most likely be disappointed at having to abandoned it to play in the new 1.9 world. But then I discovered a challenge in crossing entire ocean bottoms, and clearing paths through Jungle. I met some locals Atheo for 1 and made arrangement to pass his house. His section will be in Obsidian. I started to see so many people patrolling the wall that I decided to make it a proper wall with a walkway, and towers. But just as I was finishing the 1st pass with an average height of 70, and stated on the towers I logged in to see it mostly gone.

    Im not trying to be obstinate. I understnd your point. Of you say please just dont, I wont. Im just trying to kill time here as apposed to anywhere else. I know staff has better things to do.

  4. Edited 9 years ago by BaronBattleBread

    it was a very impressive wall, and I am the one that removed most of it. took a rather long while, even for me. Nobody was able to tell me where it came from, who was working on it, how long it had been there.. We've been having a series of players making attempts to harrasse staff through the grey areas of the rules and since i was unable to find who built it or why, i figured someone had bought alot of netherrak and was trolling us with it being 1000+1.

    you building it had crossed my mind but when i asked people told me you were busy building something in the nether so i took it down. .. in doing so, my travel lead me to a massive faction style base with flowing lava walls from 255, so in removing yours, it also caused the removal of a terrible source of lag... not that its consolation, and i apologize for the somewhat swift reaction i had upon learning of the walls existence.

    I cant return time spent, but i can return material if you so wish.. and just let us know its going on- we're not against giant walls, so long as theyre not built in spite.

  5. LoL

    Its cool Baron. I prolly should have realized everything written above. As I said, I actually found the challenge engaging its not lost time I had fun. Next time we are on together I will take you up on the offer to get the netherack back. Tping back and forth was actually the biggest pain in the ass.

    Whats funny is we have "boarders" all around spawn. When Im done we can tell new players..."Make sure you build beyond the Netherack wall, everything closer to spawn than that gets removed"

    Now that I know your not gonna nuke it out, I'll have fun feathering it into the landscape, and making it look cool with a catwalk, and stairs. The Great Wall.

  6. I found that wall a couple of days ago... i wonder what happened

  7. Edited 9 years ago by ALPHAVILLE_ADMIN

    Baron you can use this if you want when we meet.

    Command block command for chest load of netherack

    I have dedicated the sanctioned rebuild with a flaming, obby delight at Atheods house.


  8. That looks awesome, just bright enough to match the night sky. But wouldn't this be too obvious for any explorers/raiders stumbling nearby.

  9. I would agree Glucan, but Ath built the Castle so close to spawn. Being built out of so much obby makes it resistant. I just figured since the wall was passing by I would make it complement his build.

  10. Ah, I remember CreeperLord tping me to this castle once when he was cleaning up spawn, so that's why he generated a double chest of obsidian overnight XD.

  11. 8 years ago

    So we should build this again its pretty awesome.

  12. Good grief, CHRISTIANALPHA's name, it is so neon what rank is that even? But yea castle 10/10

  13. ^ lel it says his rank next to his name

  14. @Beedobi ^ lel it says his rank next to his name

    Not on mobile......

  15. why is my name not like that

  16. Wait nvm i figured it out.

  17. @Eberk91 Not sure, lol Crafty probably discontinued the colored names for the vip+ people

  18. whole lot of SUCK

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