How I Conquered Depression

  1. 7 years ago

    Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down...

    Kidding, not going to troll anyone, this is a real thread. Don't go saying I'm begging for attention, I want to tell people this story and you'll see why if you read the wall of text..

    It started with all those doctors they took me to see because i was so rebellious and defiant, about 6 years old at the time..not much, really. I went to this summer camp a year later and everyone picked on me. I started hating my life after that point. More fights with siblings started, and over the years negativity towards everything (even more so towards myself) became a habit. Stuff just sort of went downhill from there. Fast-forward a bit late, to when I was about 9 and a half. I wanted to find out why I was so angry and mean and depressed. We searched around and ended up with the conclusion that I had Asperger's. Where does it go from here? Well, just sort of the same stuff (anger, depression) for a few years until I turned 12. Thenceforth I decided to make an effort. An effort to change my ways. The problem was, that change was going to happen extremely slowly. In the mid-fall we got medication because I wasn't putting enough effort in. I managed to get off of it in exchange for actually making a concious effort. I still remained depressed though.

    Here's the big finish. Here is how I overcame depression, and the end reason (the reason shifted over the years, from being picked on to saying mean stuff about myself so much i believed it to...)

    My grandpa.
    Specifically, where he lived. He's basically an old, backwater hillbilly. He needed work done to help clean up his land, so I volunteered and..
    It turned out the end reason for me being depressed was sheer boredom..having nothing at all to occupy myself with. Now it's over.

    Here's my messsage to everyone struggling with depression: You can overcome it. You're all wonderful people and I know you can do it. How I did it may not work for most people, it really depends buut you can try it if you like. I believe in you all.

    Thanks for reading.

  2. You overcame your depression like a motherfucking boss. =D

  3. This is what I do now

  4. @argonFiles
    This is what I do now


  5. criaotic

    17 Jun 2016 Suspended

    This is what I do now

    Wow. thats really impressive.

  6. @criaotic Wow. thats really impressive.

    thanks! :)

  7. criaotic

    17 Jun 2016 Suspended

    @argonFiles thanks! :)

    how do you spin the gun.

  8. @criaotic made this just for you sir

  9. criaotic

    17 Jun 2016 Suspended

    its called a cockslip. Nice. Anyway thats pretty cool. I play airsoft.

  10. @criaotic its called a cockslip. Nice. Anyway thats pretty cool. I play airsoft.

    Still 2dirty4me xd
    airsoft is kind of like wimpier paintball
    but paintball costs a fortune! i guess it's all right

  11. criaotic

    17 Jun 2016 Suspended

    I do both.

  12. @criaotic I do both.

    i was considering getting into paintball for a while but i can't really see that happening in the near future

  13. Ruthien

    17 Jun 2016 Suspended

    @argonFiles i was considering getting into paintball for a while but i can't really see that happening in the near future

    y? cus ur 3 afriad of being hit with hurty paintbal? (• ε •)

  14. @Ruthien y? cus ur 3 afriad of being hit with hurty paintbal? (• ε •)

    it's more because paintball's expensive

  15. Airsoft you say?

    Ayy lmao

  16. @iDogeTwinkie Airsoft you say?

    Ayy lmao

    damn they expensive

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