Riddle me this!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Since @Cellexya didn't post anything, I'll do
    You enter a lab on a mountain, pull a lever, and mutant zombies (with night vision) appear, the only way to escape is to cross a bridge, you've gotten a head start. You cross the bridge in a minute, the professor's assistant crosses it in 2 minutes, the janitor crosses it in 5 minutes and the professor in 10 minutes. By the professor's calculations the zombies will reach you in 17 minutes. The bridge can only take 2 people at a time and it is so dark, that you can barely see and the old lanter you have, can only light a small area. Can you get everyone to the other side of the bridge before the zombies arrive?
    No more than 2 people can cross the bridge together
    Anyone crossing th bridge must either have the lantern or be very close to it
    Any of you can safely wait in the dark on any of the 2 sides
    And finally, there are no tricks to this, you can't swing in the ropes, use the bridge as a raft, befriend the zombies or carry on your back anyone.

  3. Maybe the professor needs to lose weight so they can cross faster ?.... idk

  4. @Chips_The_Gamer Maybe the professor needs to lose weight so they can cross faster ?.... idk

    Hahaha my day was just made.
    But in answer to the riddle is you guys are already across the bridge. Remember?

    @Jordi223b You cross the bridge in a minute, the professor's assistant crosses it in 2 minutes, the janitor crosses it in 5 minutes and the professor in 10 minutes..

    See it? Check and mate :D

  5. @FishW I'm so blind I couldn't even see the damn answer even if it was rubbed in my face....
    Nice job solving that tho

  6. @Jordi223b Since @Cellexya didn't post anything, I'll do
    You enter a lab on a mountain, pull a lever, and mutant zombies (with night vision) appear, the only way to escape is to cross a bridge, you've gotten a head start. You cross the bridge in a minute, the professor's assistant crosses it in 2 minutes, the janitor crosses it in 5 minutes and the professor in 10 minutes. By the professor's calculations the zombies will reach you in 17 minutes. The bridge can only take 2 people at a time and it is so dark, that you can barely see and the old lanter you have, can only light a small area. Can you get everyone to the other side of the bridge before the zombies arrive?
    No more than 2 people can cross the bridge together
    Anyone crossing th bridge must either have the lantern or be very close to it
    Any of you can safely wait in the dark on any of the 2 sides
    And finally, there are no tricks to this, you can't swing in the ropes, use the bridge as a raft, befriend the zombies or carry on your back anyone.

    nope not in time

  7. @FishW But in answer to the riddle is you guys are already across the bridge. Remember?

    See it? Check and mate :D

    Nah that was a mistake from me, I mean't you can cross the bridge...

  8. @Jordi223b
    Trick is to send the slowest ones across together soo...

    You + Assistant cross 2 mins
    You back 1 mins
    Professor + Janitor cross 10 mins
    Assistant back 2 mins
    You + Assistant cross 2 mins
    Total 17 mins!
    Screw you zombies!

  9. @NutjobBob @Jordi223b
    Trick is to send the slowest ones across together soo...

    You + Assistant cross 2 mins
    You back 1 mins
    Professor + Janitor cross 10 mins
    Assistant back 2 mins
    You + Assistant cross 2 mins
    Total 17 mins!
    Screw you zombies!


  10. Edited 8 years ago by FishW

    Lol i spent like an hour or so on this. Wasnt' right anyhow.

    @NutjobBob @FishW were we typing at the same time? :)

    Yes hahaha. Geez..... I feel so dumb.....

  11. @FishW were we typing at the same time? :)

  12. @FishW Lol i thought you were being super sly there :P.
    The time was 17 minutes. Yes but by the time we hit the 17 minute mark we should be almost across the bridge as the 17 minute mark was when they first reached the bridge.
    Any of those three solutions work?

    If the first zombie reaches the bridge, there are 3 people on the bridge and the bridge falls

  13. Edited 8 years ago by FishW

    Nvm I didn't check above lol I feel so dumb don't hate me pls.

  14. It Spreads, Converts, And Rules
    It Started Small And Grew Fast
    What Is It?

  15. @hopping25 It Spreads, Converts, And Rules
    It Started Small And Grew Fast
    What Is It?

    The Yellow one?

  16. Edited 8 years ago by hopping25

    @Jordi223b The Yellow one?

    Thou Art Fast,
    It Is Correct, The YELLOW ONE!

  17. Since I have posted one recently
    give it to ya @NutjobBob (who was supposed to make the next riddle)

  18. I Am Dearly Sorry @NutjobBob For Taking Thou Chance At The Riddling

  19. @hopping25 It Spreads, Converts, And Rules
    It Started Small And Grew Fast
    What Is It?


  20. @Nysic Weeds


  21. @hopping25 It Spreads, Converts, And Rules
    It Started Small And Grew Fast
    What Is It?

    An Idea.

  22. Newer ›

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