Theron_1675's Ban Appeal

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by theron_1675

    In Game Name:

    Reason for your ban:
    See-through-wall glitch.

    Why should you be unbanned:
    I just learned about this trick today. I don't cheat in games because it makes the game less fun. But it was an interesting trick told to me by my cousin today, so I thought I would check it out. It did make it easier to find diamonds, but half the fun is because it's hard to find resources. If you allow me to rejoin the server, I'll gladly give up the diamonds I found by glitching. Teleport me to an admin character or something and he can have them or watch me destroy the diamonds. Y'alls server is really cool. I'm sorry for breaking the rules. To be honest, I didn't really read them like probably most people. But If I am allowed to come back, I'll give the book a read through and make sure I follow the rules. Rules are what make games more fun.
    Thanks :)

    P.S. I have read some other people's ban appeals and some responses say the server warned them before banning. I don't look at the chat too much (I probably should so I can be sociable with everyone) so I didn't notice any warnings. Also my internet is shotty. Perhaps the server kicked me as a warning and when I logged back on, I just thought it was my internet being bad.

  2. Hey there Theron_1675,

    I was the mod that banned you.
    Glitching is rule breaking and will result in punishment.
    What you were doing was glitching and Xraying at the same time.
    Glitching and Xraying both result in a permanent ban.

    Your appeal has been denied.


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