Adim or Helper

  1. 8 years ago

    How can i be a helper or admin?

  2. Just apply

    That is the staff aplication template.

  4. Use the link as a basis for your application and fill it out on the forums, in the Staff Applactions section.
    You need at least 2 million ticks before applying so be sure to check beforehand with "Ticks?" or "serverplz ticks"
    Also there is a age limitation of 16 for staff applications

  5. Admin*

  6. @ViciousKangaroo Admin*

    ^^^^^^^^ please i beg you!

    Also you would start as helper fyi.

  7. There is no Adim rank.

  8. but ur an adim nysic

  9. Actually I'm Australian :P

  10. Nysic is an Austradim (ah-STRAW-dim) confirmed

  11. Edited 8 years ago by ViciousKangaroo

    There is a secret adim rank :0


  12. Edited 8 years ago by LonelyKills

    Adim? Like @adamblakely2 ? He's already a helper, bro.

    On a more serious note, a person who can click around and figure out how to apply by themselves will have a better chance to become a staff member unlike a lazy bloke like you, who was merely a few clicks away from the staff application subforum.


  13. @LonelyKills wait what??

  14. @adamblakely2 @LonelyKills wait what??

    Congrats on Adim rank

  15. You gotta apply

  16. @FlashFood ah thanks

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