Sovietsuperman, I demand an explanation from you.

  1. 9 years ago

    _ChrisMason_ recently informed me that you tried to use him for an espionage mission to get into Oceania and then betray us.

    I just want to know one thing: Why?


  2. The espionage mission began when I thought you had raided base one, however I abandoned it once I found out the truth. Also I don't recall sending a player named _ChrisMason_ to do it.

  3. I don't enjoy "demands." If you wish to talk to me, consider a kinder approach.

  4. Guess it was outdated info. Not sure who to believe, this 'drama all the time' really hurts :/

  5. Prepare for everything. That's my advice.

  6. "The espionage mission began when I thought you had raided base one, however I abandoned it once I found out the truth."
    I don't know what's going on here and have hardly any interest, but it seems to me 'Sovietsuperman' that the diplomatic arm of your Red Army can have little effect when you shoot from the hip like this. It's the second time I've noticed your paranoia and dominionist tendencies getting the better of you.
    As a casual observer of the unstable fits of your faction, I recall the axiom, "the fish rots from the head"

  7. You do realize this is over right

  8. Deleted 9 years ago by r4iscool1
  9. lol

  10. @pixelchief We just had a big discussion on not getting involved in business that isn't yours. I suggest you do that.

  11. Damn, you got told.

  12. Who's we?
    Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I'll pass. I hate to break it to you Comrade, but the world is not made up of bobble head sycophants like the grey matter deficients on your red army roster. Wave the flag of your immaturity on a public forum, guess what, people are going to chime in.

  13. @pixelchief Anyone who matters, go check out the "Time to ban factions" post. I hate to break it to you, but this is a game, not the entire world. If you mix those two up then I'm afraid you should see a therapist. Immaturity, would be getting upset over a tiny game such as this, and it appears you're the only doing that. Maybe it's time for you to grow up Pixel?

  14. Alright this thread has gone far enough.


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