We Have Mystery...

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    "May the force be with you"

    -Est. 1977-2019

  3. Sunday, September 4th...

    Today me and CovertRaw have found more mysterious yellow flowers at spawn... This time they came with coordinates... I am currently investigating the area for the presence of any shrines or something that could lead me closer to unmasking this Yellow One...

    Wish me luck...

    Haxington reporting in, over and out

  4. Edited 7 years ago by _Haxington_

    I arrived to location, but I left as soon as CovertRaw arrived because I thought it might be a trap. When I asked her about it I was told that there was a cave with a temple full of shrines to the Yellow One...

    Unfortunately this temple does not seem to contain any further evidence on the whereabouts of the Yellow One...

    Now the question is... Why were these coordinates handed out and who did it?


    So after being convinced that CovertRaw was trustworthy, I went to check out the temple myself and I invited Sofatroll too...

    There was a huge castle like structure with a small town and walls, but that's not what I am excited about!

    I found an abandoned temple dedicated to the Yellow One and another deity named Lady Red

    This temple was relocated apparently, which leads to the question... Where is the new temple and who made it?

    This all started out as a joke, but it is all real!

    Below are some screenshots I took:






  6. Update:

    Near the temple I found another shrine to the Yellow One, and next to it I found a sign that read something like "TheMightyDrex has been enlightened by the Yellow One"

    Who is TheMightyDrex?

    Inside the temple I also noticed that one of the signs ended with "-M"

    Who is this M?

    Is he TheMightyDrex?

    This mystery keeps getting more and more interesting. Please report any information you may have regarding the topic.

  7. May the "YellO" Followers Guide your path to Serenity.

  8. It's a conspiracy...

    The Yellow one is among you and is setting you up.

    Eat a potato.


    Im sorry I'll stop now XD

  9. Deleted 7 years ago by GibsonAxe
  10. Edited 7 years ago by _Haxington_

    Who are you???

    Reveal yourself!!!

  11. k

  12. My own investigation has revealed something interesting.

    The yellow one is MC account confirmed!


  13. ^ any name used in our forums in a real MC account.

  14. Update from Cutebot:

    I found a RED flower at spawn saying red lady and it had coords to just. a yellow flower. thats it. then i dug the block underneath and fell into a pit with a mob spawner and a sign saying Yellow one strikes again.

  15. How is this Yellow One leaving all these secret messages without ever being seen???

  16. Wait a minute... One of the signs ended with M... MixMasherPvp's name starts with the letter M...

    Is he the leader of the Caretakers Of Gods?

    But then what role does TheMightyDrex play in all this?

  17. Edited 7 years ago by _Haxington_

    Two shrines were empty... Who are the other two deities that were supposed to be in those empty shrines?

  18. The more evidence is found, the more questions arise...

  19. @_Haxington_ Two shrines were empty... Who are the other two deities that were supposed to be in those empty shrines?

    Obviously the ravens have been deemed worthy of worship!
    Perhaps the missing deity is a corvid?

    Caw! Caw!

  20. Maybe XD

    At this point anything is possible :P

  21. Let the Yellow flower Guide your path of fortune.

  22. Newer ›

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