I Want This In My Base

  1. 8 years ago

    I want this lighthouse I designed myself here in these video but I am nowhere close to having any of the materials to do so.

    I would love to be able to work for these materials, but...

    1. School resumes Tuesday.
    2. This uses ~<350 blocks of Nether Quartz
    3. 1 Nether Quartz block = 4 Nether Quartz gem
    4. I have no idea how to make pillar or chizeled Quartz blocks
    5. I'm a poor man.

    Help a poor man out here!

  2. Hahah. Actual url here: http://imgur.com/a/Pb3tC

  3. why make this
    when you can make this with less expensive materials

  4. @Suhnbreak pretty good point right thur

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