Does This Look Okay?

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by TheBlizWiz

    I made this for one of my rooms as a furnace room. Does it look okay? If it doesn't, what should I fix?

  2. It seems like you tried to make it look clean and simple. But i suggest you to place the furnaces to the wall so it looks more like a furnace room instead of an empty one.

  3. @Cileklim It seems like you tried to make it look clean and simple. But i suggest you to place the furnaces to the wall so it looks more like a furnace room instead of an empty one.

    Actually, if you want them to be on the floor, make them flush under the floor with banners, or plants to keep the room from feeling square. Pillars and arch depending on your style could also help here.

  4. The walls just look really bland, add some banners or arches if you want the furnaces in the floor

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