Starving For No Reason And Can't Eat

  1. 7 years ago

    Ok so
    I log on a few times, and the server continues to time out. I log on this time, and things seem pretty normal. However, suddenly I am starving and losing health rapidly.
    Quick-switching to my Magic Meat, I continuously hold down Mouse2. I continue to starve over and over and for the next 5-8 seconds I see myself eating steak and dying. have no clue what's going on besides server-client issues, but the weird thing is I remember having full hunger the last time I logged in on the 30th.

    Has some jerk activated a hunger aura? Something?

  2. I had the same issue. I think there is some strange thing going on

  3. It's Happening...
    Lady Red...

  4. @_Haxington_ It's Happening...
    Lady Red...

    Let's not hop back on this wagon, sir.

  5. Oh I know exactly how you feel!
    Oh wait. You mean on Minecraft...


  6. Omg @TheDunmerRaven ahahaha

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