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I have a Complaint about Venetorum.

  1. 7 years ago

    I just got my cast off my hand and got on Monday night. I missed everyone while I could not "WASD". I had fun and logged back on today. I said howdy to Goldsmith. A few minutes later someone said "Trump" I responded : "Trump is the new Snape". Venetorum whose name I had not even seen yet says "That's it" and I was kicked.... I went and reviewed the rules to see what I have done wrong. Here they are:


    Be respectful to other players - Don’t use extremely derogatory terms or epithets. Don’t insult or personally attack others in excess. If someone asks you to stop, then stop. Don’t cross the line or continue after you’ve been asked you to stop.

    Don’t use excessive or extremely offensive profanity - Cursing is allowed in moderation, but don’t go overboard or get shockingly offensive with it. Staff will warn you if you’re crossing the line.

    No hate speech in any form - Never engage in hate speech of any kind. This means chat, private message, in your builds, in books, your skin, signs, or any other way that you can think of.

    Any form of cheating will not be tolerated - This means anything that gives you an unfair advantage over players who are playing the game the way the game was intended to be played.

    Practice good chat etiquette - Don’t use caps, don’t spam, don’t discuss controversial, sensitive or offensive topics (e.g. sex, sexual identity or preferences, race, politics, religion, drugs, etc.), no advertising, no links, no trolling. Please only use the minecraft font and English in global chat. Also part of chat etiquette is having an appropriately named character since your name appears on the player list and in chat. If your name is inappropriate you will be asked to change it. You will likely be banned until you do.

    Don’t kill random TP’ers - The random TP is the best way for new players to safely get away from spawn without being slain by geared players. Teleporting with other players and subsequently killing them is prohibited.

    Don’t have too many entities loaded around you - Press F3 and look for E: #/#. The second number should be lower than 100. If not, try killing animals/mobs, picking up dropped items, removing paintings, item frames, armor stands, etc.

    Planet Minecraft - Do not come on the server saying you’re from Planet Minecraft and you’re here to review the server. Whatever happens to you is justified.

    Don’t use inappropriate Names/Skins - your name, item name, name tags, nude skins, body part skins, subjective skins, etc.

    No lava buckets near spawn - Lava buckets will automatically be taken away near spawn, you have been warned

    No overworld gold farms - Overworld gold farms are a server owners worst nightmare, they cause crashes, chunk corruption and lag. Just for the love of god, don't make them.

    No griefing any part of spawn - The staff and I have worked very hard on spawn. Sometimes certain parts of spawn can’t be protected and we have to live with that, however, that doesn't mean that you can grief it. If you are caught griefing spawn, parts of spawn, or the bridges, that staff have full right to give you weakness, move you or even ban you.

    Ender Pearl or chorus fruit glitching is not allowed in spawn - If you are found using ender pearls or chorus fruit for glitching into the pvp arena or gaining an advantage in the parkour, you will be banned for 3-7 days. If caught again you may receive a permanent ban.

    PVP in or near spawn is not allowed - PVP in or near spawn is not allowed - Unless in the PVP Arena, you should not engage in Spawn Killing, Trapping or any other form of PVP in or near spawn. This applies to all dimensions, especially nether where there is limited exits due to the shape of the terrain.

    Random Teleport Killing/Trapping is not allowed - If you jump in to a random teleport with someone you did not agree to teleport with and you kill them, you will be banned. Either one of you, self defence or not.

    TPA Killing/Trapping is allowed - It's up to you whether or not you make or accept teleport requests. Use the TPA system at your own risk, make sure you trust the players you are teleporting with, if you are killed and/or your base gets destroyed, its your fault.

    Listen to staff members - Enough said! People will always find ways around the rules, staff reserve the right to make changes to the rules to cover these holes in order to keep the server a safe friendly place.

    I don't chat much. I am not a troll. I didn't do anything wrong. There was no argument. When I logged back on he's all "I'm ready with my ban hammer if you want to continue." Venetorum ruins Craftymynes for me. He is forever abusing what he views as his authority to kick and ban. I could understand if I was a problem here but I think you will find more people who have benefitted from me than not. I know no one will really miss me but I would rather play where I am not getting trolled by staff. People play games to visit with others and have fun. All the other staff understand that.

  2. Anybody else feel like this has been blown out of proportion? I myself think he should not have been kicked. There was warning I agree but he did not bring up politics TRUMP is not a strictly political figure he is a ceo of many different companies and a celebrity. THERE IS NO EXCUSE for him being kicked. He didn't say anything political. For those of you who say "Trump is the new snape" is a political statement, you need to get off your offensive horse and get on a objective horse. There is nothing political about that he is making a metaphor. joining things that are not of any equal. I have seen others get away with MUCH MORE! I like this server, but this is ridiculous, and in my opinion a failure. I suggest a clarification should be done with the rules or at least a formal apology be done.

    Next question: If he was kicked for a basically innocent statement did the others get kicked? If not this is not fair at all. This is my views as a concerned CraftyMyner. I believe this was taken out of hand. I do not wish to upset anyone, nor start anything. Overall this could have been handled much differently and should have been.