kanethemoose's ban appeal

  1. 9 years ago

    Player Name: kanethemoose
    Reason for ban: Scamming
    Reason to be unbanned: First bannable offense and scamming was not clearly stated to be against the rules.

  2. Edited 9 years ago by AP0C4L1P53

    Hey there kanethemoose,

    I banned you after you were reported for scamming. We always had the trade post for safe trading. Scamming there would result in punishment but since it didn't say it in the rules I will give you a 3 day ban. A normal ban would be like 5 days. Make sure you return the items to the players you got it from.


  3. @kanethemoose
    You should better know, that scamming is something you won't like it to happen to you. Right?
    So in this case you broke the following rule:

    Any form of cheating will not be tolerated - This means anything that gives you an unfair advantage over players who are playing the game the way the game was intended to be played.

    Traduction for you: You cheated on a player by taking the advantage over him by receiving 18 Diamonds from him, for a server book everyone gets for free.

    For you to learn the lesson, you will be unbanned in 3 days, as CactusOwnage (Mod) instates above.

    AP0C4L1P53 - Admin

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