The Emprise Confederation of Loggers

  1. 9 years ago


    7 Mar 2016 Suspended

    RIP to the EC and to their leader, Oolfa.. -image-

  2. xD

  3. that didn't last long

  4. Lol nice.

  5. Oolfa

    7 Mar 2016 Suspended

    Who says I'm the leader? Haha wtf

  6. [deleted]

    7 Mar 2016

    its sad to say but im actually the leader of the emprise

  7. @Reptilian_OS_X You may want to find better members for your faction. Ones that won't make stupid decisions like PVP logging and revealing base coords *cough* Oolfa *cough*

  8. [deleted]

    7 Mar 2016

    soviet your merely a speck in the sky of my problems good luck with any of your new recruits being any good

  9. @Reptilian_OS_X Lol, I already have members from the last server, I don't need new ones like the scrubs you've employed. They've already betrayed you and made your faction look like a pathetic, dollar store version of Red Army.

  10. [deleted]

    7 Mar 2016

    dollar store?

    the House of wolves was doing what the red army is doing now for a year before you

  11. Dude, no offense, but nobody even noticed the "house of wolves" in the shadow of Apathy.
    Try again next year.

  12. [deleted]

    7 Mar 2016

    @Mabzino sorry i offended you but the comment was not for you to answer

  13. Then why did you post it on a public forum?

  14. 8 years ago

    @deleted Hmmm House of Wolves? Never heard of them. Are they another failed faction like that knock off blue army?

  15. @sovietsuperman ill have you know its not knockoff. it is bootleg.

  16. Ahaha I remember house of wolves. I was part of it because I thought it would be a chill place to build fun stuff. That didn't quite work out xD

  17. @TheosKW Na, we are the chill place to build fun stuff now :D

  18. @BoneChi11er Speaking of, if you guys ever have any projects where an extra set of hands would be appreciated, let me know! :)

  19. @sovietsuperman @deleted Hmmm House of Wolves? Never heard of them. Are they another failed faction like that knock off blue army?

    I still remember finding destroyed bases on random tps with a sign in front that said something like "The wolves have been here".

  20. @pand1024 I was being coy lol. Deleted is actually gnome but I think I'm going to be nicer from now on. It seems things got crazy when I left for my mini-vactaion

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